- NCIS announces grants and prizes
- H-Scholar listserv information
- NCIS website at
- ACLS affiliation
- Women's Suffrage centennial
- Mountain Writers
- Oregon Library Association offers bibliography, newsletter of Oregon authors
- Oregon State University Library announces website on Linus Pauling and the Race for DNA
- City of Portland celebrates 150th. birthday with timeline
- Reed College Events Website
- History Link provides tour of Seattle
- Upcoming Oregon Originals and Salon Programs from Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission
- Oregon Health Sciences University History of Medicine Lectures
- OSU acquires Margaret Osler Papers
- Northwest History Network
- Oregon Council for the Humanities offers grants
- RACC Grantsearch webpage offers grants resources for local artists and writers
- Center for Columbia River History offers James B. Castles Fellowship
- Oregon Library Association/Oregon Authors Committee offers announcements for Oregon authors
- Mountain Writers offers reading opportunities
- Oregon Historical Society announces literary prize
- Center for Excellence in Writing, P.S.U.
- Multnomah County Library Sterling Room for Writers
- Announcements from the National Endowment for the Humanities
- Woodrow Wilson Center announces fellowships in the Social Sciences and Humanities,
- IREX fellowships for research abroad
- Western Association of Women Historians announces book, article prizes
- Research Fellowships at the American Antiquarian Society
- Modern Language Association offers book prize for independent scholars.
- American Council of Learned Societies fellowships
NCIS Grants
NCIS offers several research and travel grants each year, as well as awards for the best scholarly article by an NCIS member.
Prize for Best Scholarly Article
The Eisenstein-DeLacy Award is awarded annually for the Best Scholarly Article by an NCIS member. Applicants should send an electronic copy of the article to be considered to Christopher Robinson, Chair of the Awards Committee, at
The deadline for submissions is July 15, 2010. Winners will be notified by September 15, 2010.
Research or Conference Travel Grants
The Yosef Wosk Grant
This grant provides the winner with $1000 to be used to further a scholarly project. It may be used for traveling to a research site, obtaining microfilm, or other such expenses incurred in the course of research and writing scholarly work. Applicants should send a c.v., proposal of project, and a budget to Christopher Robinson, Chair of the Awards Committee, at
The deadline for submissions is July 15, 2010. Winners will be notified by September 15, 2010.
The Taube Foundation for Jewish Life Prize
This prize provides the winner with $1000 to be used to further a scholarly project; it need not be limited to Jewish life or topics. It may be used for traveling to a research site, obtaining microfilm, or other such expenses incurred in the course of research and writing scholarly work. Applicants should send a c.v., proposal of project, and a budget to Christopher Robinson, Chair of the Awards Committee, at
The deadline for submissions is July 15, 2010. Winners will be notified by September 15, 2010.
Conference Travel Grants
Three Conference Travel Grants of $200 each are available. These grants were established to encourage NCIS members to participate in the annual national meetings of their disciplinary societies (MLA, AHA, etc.). NCIS members who have had papers accepted for presentation at conferences in 2010 are eligible to apply. Applicants must submit a c.v., a copy of the abstract or paper that was accepted, and the official notification of acceptance from the conference’s program chair/coordinator. Applicants may apply for conferences they have already attended in 2010 or for upcoming conferences that will take place in 2010.
The deadline for submissions is rolling. Send all application materials to Christopher Robinson, Chair of the Awards Committee, at
Grant Administration
NCIS is able to serve as a grants administrator for grants that require one for their recipients. If you have received such a grant and would like NCIS to administer it for you, please contact us.
H-Net has approved H-Scholar, and the list is up and running. It is moderated by an all-star cast of NCIS editors. To subscribe, send the message "sub H-Scholar yourfirstname yourlastname" to "LISTSERV@H-NET.MSU.EDU" . Leave the subject line of your message blank, and remove any long signature files. To find out more about H-Net and the H-Net lists, look at their website: . H-net sponsors more than 100 academic electronic conferences (listervs) and you can subscribe to any of them or search the logs of any list at this site.
Check out the NCIS website. It is updated frequently, and provides lots of useful reference links for scholars.
NCIS has become an affiliate member of the American Council of Learned Societies.
Women's Suffrage Commemoration
A new website, "Century of Action" has been created to help prepare for the centennial of women's suffrage in Oregon
Century of Action celebrates 100 years of Oregon women's right to vote and advances the understanding of women's citizenship in Oregon's history.
Mountain Writers
"MWS features authors of regional, national, and international reputation in a variety of events including readings, lectures, workshops, and master classes presented in diverse venues and formats throughout the Mt. Hood, Oregon region.... In addition to bringing writers from outside the Northwest, MWS promotes and supports writers who reside in the region by scheduling them for events or by actively promoting them and their work in other parts of the country."
Bibliography of Oregon authors
The Oregon Authors Committee of the Oregon Library Association publishes an annual bibliography of works by Oregon Authors including revised editions. The Committee has now created a searchable online database of bibliographic records. The Committee also offers an e-mail newsletter of recently published books by Oregon authors.. Information about the list can be found at
Oregon authors may submit information about their books directly to the Committee at
Oregon State University Library announces website on Linus Pauling and the Race for DNA
Utilizing over 800 scanned documents, photographs, audio clips and video excerpts, this website
narrates the breathless details of the pursuit of the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.
Scattered throughout the project are images of a number of very important and extremely rare items,
all of which are held within The Valley Library's Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers, and many of
which have not been previously displayed. Also featured are two original documents hitherto unknown
to scholars interested in this period. It is expected that this website will serve as a primary reference
point for individuals interested in the history of DNA -- both researchers and lay people alike.
City of Portland celebrates 150th. birthday with timeline
The City of Portland, Oregon, is celebrated its 150th anniversary of incorporation (1851-2001) with a focus on history and archives. The 150th birthday web site a History Timeline, a chronicle of events and actions in the history of city government and the Portland community. It includes milestones of City programs; events that shaped the growth and development of the City; people and organizations which have served citizens; and events such as wars, fires, and floods that have affected life in Portland. Photographs and images of historical documents are included.
Many of the milestone events in the Timeline were identified by consulting the records and sources available at the City of Portland Stanley Parr Archives and Records Center (SPARC), under the responsibility of the Auditor's Office. In addition to the City's birthday, the Archives and Records Management program celebrates two milestones of their own. Twenty-five years ago in 1976, Stanley Parr was hired by the City of Portland as the first records management officer. With the assistance of an NHPRC grant, the archives was established, leading to the publication of the City of Portland Archives Guide. The Archives and Records Center, later named for the late Stan Parr, opened in 1981 and celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2001.
If you would like to know what public events are happening at Reed College, you can go to their "events" website at
On that page, you can also sign up to receive a monthly newsletter listing events on campus.
History Link provides a tour of Seattle History
Discovering Oregon Originals 2009-10 Programs
Contact Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission:
PO Box 3588 Portland OR 97208 503 285 8279
Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission presents:
Oregon Health Sciences University: History of Medicine Lectures
Upcoming lectures
October 1, 2010
November 15, 2010
Thomas Hager, M.S.
Linus Pauling
Miller Auditorium, Vey Conference Center, Doernbecher Children’s Hospital
LaSalle D. Leffall, M.D.
Charles R. Drew, MD, FACS: Surgical Paragon
Miller Auditorium, Vey Conference Center, Doernbecher Children’s HospitalDecember 3, 2010
February 25, 2011
Dick Stueve
History of coronary arteriography
Old Library Auditorium
Richard Mullins, M.D.
Preventing wounded soldiers’ death by forward surgery and whole blood transfusion
Old Library Auditorium All public lectures begin at 12:15. Light refreshments served at noon.
For further inquiries, contact:
Karen Peterson, 503-494-3239.- All public lectures held at 12:00 noon.
A list of previous lectures, with links to video archives can be found at
[Webmaster's note: some grant agencies have not yet sent updates for previous years' grant programs. The old announcements have been left up, because they provide general information and links, even though the site has been updated. Please contact the grantors or check their websites for current information]
Oregon State University Special Collections Acquires Margaret J. Osler Papers
The Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections houses a number of archival and book collections, most of which focus on the history of twentieth-century science and technology (
Special Collections has as its primary mission to preserve and provide access to the Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers, however, it has a number of other collections of interest to historians of science. A new collection is a repository for the papers of historians of science
The most recent acquisition in the Historians of Science Collection is the collected papers and correspondence of Margaret J. Osler, longtime Secretary of the History of Science Society.
Research grants of up to $7,500 are available to scholars interested in conducting work in the Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections.
Further Information http//
The Northwest History Network now has a website at
and a blog at
Oregon Council for the Humanities offers Grants to Individuals and Non-profits
Research Grants
OCH annually awards two individual Research Grants of $5,000 each to support Oregon scholars for a sustained period of professional research. The grants are designed to encourage scholarly inquiry that contributes significantly to one or more disciplines of the humanities and to a broad public discourse in ideas.Eligibility:
Applicants must be professional scholars, living and/or employed in Oregon, with training and expertise in one or more fields of the humanities, such as history, philosophy, literature, jurisprudence, archaeology, languages, linguistics, religious studies, arts theory, history or criticism, folklore, or those aspects of the social sciences that use historical and philosophical approaches, such as cultural anthropology, sociology and political theory. Grants are not made to finance work by graduate students or to further degree-related study.
Applicants may not have been awarded an OCH Research Grant in the previous year, nor have done research on the same topic under an earlier OCH award.
How to Apply
Download the 2006 Research Grant Guidelines after October 1, 2005. Postmark deadline is January 16, 2006.OCH Grants
OCH Grants support public programs designed to explore the humanities in participatory and dynamic ways. We encourage applications from a broad range of nonprofit organizations in Oregon, including those that may not define their work as being based in the humanities. We especially welcome inquiries for projects that will attract diverse audiences, engage minds, and stimulate meaningful community dialogue. In 200405, OCH awarded sixteen grants for a total of $56,538, with award amounts ranging from $1,750 to $5,000.
The Application Process
For the fall 2005 OCH Grant cycle, applicants may apply for either $500 or $1,000 using a simplified form. Guidelines for the spring 2006 OCH Grant cycle, which will include the traditional letter of intent process, less restrictive grant requests, and a more detailed grant and budget narrative, will be available in October 2005.
Please note that all project costs, whether supported by OCH or cost sharing, and all activities must take place after December 1, 2005, for fall 2005 grants and June 1, 2006, for spring 2006 grants. OCH Grants require that your project involve the services of one or more humanities scholars, and that your organization may not apply for a new project if you have an open OCH Grant from a previous cycle.
For More Information
Please call or e-mail Carol E. Hickman if you have any questions or need additional information regarding the research grant process. You may contact her at (503) 241-0543, (800) 735-0543, or by e-mail.
Regional Arts and Culture Council offers Grant Resources on GrantSearch
GrantSearch, compiled by The Regional Arts & Culture Council, offers over 330 listings for grants and funding support available for tri-county individual artists, educators and organizations working in the visual, performing and literary arts...and more! These are local, national and international art funders.
If you know of funding organizations not listed, let us know Also, let us know of any errors or outdated information that you may find. We seek to develop a comprehensive listing of funding opportunities in art and culture for metropolitan Portland residents.
The Center for Columbia River History is pleased to announce the James B.Castles Fellowship to encourage original scholarly research that contributes to public understanding of the history of the Columbia River Basin. The $3,000 Fellowship is open to graduate students, professional historians and independent scholars.
CCRH encourages proposals from diverse historical perspectives, including social, ethnic, political, cultural and environmental approaches. Fellows will be in residence at the Center for Columbia River History in Portland, Oregon/Vancouver, Washington for four weeks during the granting year (June 1, 2005 - August 31, 2006). They will deliver a public talk on their research topic and submit an article for possible publication in a regional journal. In addition, they will submit a written report on their researchfor the CCRH archives.Further information, contact Mary Wheeler at the Center for Columbia River History ( or 360-258-3289).
Applications must be received by May 1, 2005.
The Center for Columbia River History is a partnership of Portland State University, the Washington State Historical Society and Washington State University Vancouver. The mission of CCRH is to promote the study of the history of the Columbia River Basin. CCRH offices are located on the Vancouver National Historic Reserve at 1109 East 5th Street, Vancouver, WA98661. Office space has been generously provided by the Vancouver National Historic Reserve Trust. More information about CCRH is available at
Oregon Historical Society announces Literary Prize
Oregon Historical Society Press Invites Submissions for Literary Prize 05/02/2005
Oregon Historical Society Press is inviting writers throughout the region to submit manuscripts for the third annual Jasper G. and Minnie Stevens Literary Prize. The Stevens Prize, with a cash award of $3,000 and publication of the manuscript by Oregon Historical Society Press, recognizes an outstanding original fiction or nonfiction literary treatment of Oregon history. Manuscripts for adults and young readers will both be considered for the prize.
Deadline for manuscript submission is October 1, 2005. The prizewinner is announced in April 2006.
Inquiries and submissions may be mailed to Stevens Prize, Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park Ave., Portland, OR 97205. Additional inquiries and questions may be directed to .
Click here to see the complete Stevens Prize guidelines.
Stevens Prize
Oregon Historical Society
1200 SW Park Ave.
Portland, OR 97205
Center For Excellence in Writing
The Center for Excellence in Writing at Portland State University offers a website with information about the program and a set of links to local resources in writing.
Multnomah County Sterling Room for Writers available
The Sterling Room for Writers is on the second floor of the Multnomah County Library. It provides workspace for up to four writers at a time at four large tables, and has connections for laptop computers.
Admission to the room is for three months with the option of additional time to complete a project if space is available. Chairs are reserved both for authors of published works or under contract to a viable publisher, and for those who identify themselves as working, practicing, or aspiring writers. Priority is given to writers whose work depends on access to the Central Library's reference collections and services.
Applications are available at any Central Library information desk; by mail from the Multnomah County LIbrary/Central Library, Central Director's Office, 801 S.W. Tenth Avenue, Portland, OR 97205; or by calling the Central Library director's office, (503)-248-5231.
Applications must be received by June 30 for the time period from Sept 15-December 14; by September 30 for the period December 15-March 14; by December 31 for the period March 15-June 14; and by March 30 for the period June 15-September 14. Individual applications are accepted through the year and are held until the next selection period unless space is immediately available.
The selection of writers for admission to the Sterling Room for Writers is the responsibility of employees of the Multnomah County Library. A panel of prominent writers and library staff reviews all applications.
NEH announces deadlines for applications
The National Endowment for the Humanities now provides a deadline table for its grant and fellowship programs online
Guidelines and Application materials are also available as Adobe .pdf files which may be printed out for submission.
Information on NEH programs is also available at
NEH Fellowships support a variety of activities. Projects may contribute to scholarly knowledge, to the advancement of teaching, or to the general public understanding of the humanities. Award recipients might eventually produce scholarly articles, a book-length treatment of a broad topic, an archaeological site report, a translation, an edition, a database, or
some other scholarly tool.
CITIZENSHIP: Applicants should be U.S.citizens, native residents of U.S. jurisdictions, or foreign nationals who have been legal residents in the U.S. or its jurisdictions for at least three years immediately preceding the application deadline.
ELIGIBILITY: The NEH Fellowships program has two categories: University Teachers and College Teachers/Independent Scholars. Applicants select a category depending on the institution where they are employed or on their status as Independent Scholars. Applicants whose positions change near the application deadline should select the category that corresponds to their employment status during the academic year before the deadline. Applicants whose
professional training includes a degree program must have received the degree or completed all requirements for it by the application deadline. Persons seeking support for work leading to a degree are not eligible to apply, nor are active candidates for degrees. Further information is available in the printed guidelines and on the Endowment's web site:
Mail inquiries: Fellowships Division of Research Programs National Endowment for the Humanities
1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Room 318 Washington, D.C. 20506 Telephone: 202-606-8200
National Endowment for the Humanities Announces NEH Fellowships,
Brief Program Description
Fellowships provide opportunities for individuals to pursue advanced work in the humanities that contributes to scholarly knowledge or to the general public's understanding of the humanities. Applicants may be faculty or staff members of colleges or universities, or of primary or secondary schools, or independent scholars or writers.
Fellowships support both projects that can be completed during the tenure of the award and work that is part of a long-term endeavor. Recipients usually produce scholarly articles, monographs on specialized subjects, books on broad topics, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly tools.
Funds, tenure, and conditions for fellowships
Tenure normally covers an uninterrupted period of from six to twelve whole months. A grant of $40,000 is for nine to twelve months. A grant of $24,000 is for six to eight months.
Applicants may be faculty or staff members of colleges or universities, or of primary or secondary schools, and scholars and writers. They must beU.S. citizens, native residents of U.S. jurisdictions, or foreign nationals who have resided in the United States or its jurisdictions for at least three years immediately preceding the application deadline.
Fellowships applications must be received between March 1 and the deadline of May 1
Contact information: Fellowships Division of Research Program National Endowment for the Humanities 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Room 318 Washington, D.C. 20506
Telephone: 202-606-820
Fellowship website:
Fellowships in the Social Sciences and Humanities
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars announces its Fellowship competition. The Center awards academic year residential fellowships annually in an international competition to individuals with outstanding project proposals in a broad range of the social sciences and humanities on national and/or international issues - topics that intersect with questions of public policy or provide the historical framework to illumine policy issues of contemporary importance. Fellows should be prepared to interact with policymakers in Washington and with Wilson Center staff who are working on similar topics.
Men and women from any country and from a wide variety of disciplines may apply. For academic participants, eligibility is limited to the postdoctoral level, and normally it is expected that academic candidates will have demonstrated their scholarly development by publications beyond the Ph.D. dissertation. For other applicants, an equivalent level of professional achievement is expected.
Fellows are provided stipends that include round-trip travel, offices, access to the Library of Congress, Windows-based computers, and research assistants. The Center holds one round of competitive selection per year.
Further information and application forms may be downloaded from the Wilson Center's web site at
You may also contact the Center at:
Scholar Selection and Services OfficeWoodrow Wilson International Center for ScholarsOne Woodrow Wilson Plaza1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20004-3027Telephone: (202) 691-4170Fax: (202) 691-4001E-mail:
The International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) offers an extensive array of grants and fellowships for research abroad. A list of fellowships can be found on the website at:
2001 Jensen-Miller Prize for the History of Women and Gender in theTrans-Mississippi West
Prize Deadline: 2001-05-01 [no update has been received to date]
The Coalition for Western Women's History is pleased to announce the 11th Annual Joan Jensen - Darlis Miller Prize for the best article published in 2000 in the field of History of Women and Gender in the Trans-Mississippi West.
To be eligible for consideration, submissions must be scholarly articles published in the calendar year of 2000 and may include previously unpublished articles appearing in anthologies. The work must deal with the history of women and gender in the North American West, including Mexico, Canada, Alaska, and Hawaii.
The winning article will be judged by:
* its significance to the understanding of gender and the experience of women in the North American West.
* the skill and imagination with which the author conducts research in original materials or has reinterpreted a major problem in the field.
* its gracefulness and style.
The award and cash prize of $250 will be presented at the 2001 meeting of the Western History Assocation in San Diego, California.
Please submit five offprints or copies of the article by May 1, 2001 to Theresa Salazar at the address below.
Inquiries may be directed to the address or e-mail address listed below.
Contact information:
Theresa Salazar, Curator
The Bancroft Collection: Western Americana
Chair, Jensen-Miller Prize Committee
The Bancroft Library
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Fellowships at the American Antiquarian Society
The following are the three broad categories of visiting research fellowships at AAS. For details and application materials see
Visiting Academic Research Fellowships
Mellon Post-Dissertation Fellowship
Fellowships for Creative and Performing Artists and Writers
Modern Language Association offers book prize for independent scholars.
To recognize and further encourage the achievements and contributions of independent scholars, the Modern Language Association invites authors to compete for the seventeenth annual MLA Prize for Independent Scholars, to be awarded for a distinguished scholarly book published in 2000 in the field of English or another modern language or literature. Under the auspices of the MLA Committee on Honors and Awards, the prize will be presented to an author who, at the time of publication of the book, was not enrolled in a program leading to an academic degree and did not hold a tenured, tenure-accruing, or tenure-track position in a postsecondary educational institution. Tenure is understood to include any comparable provision for job security in a postsecondary educational institution. Normally, part-time instructors and adjunct faculty members are eligible to compete for the prize. Authors of submitted books need not be members of the association. The award, which consists of a check for $1,000, a certificate, and a one-year membership in the association, will be presented to the winning author at the association's annual convention in December, 2001.
To enter a book into competition, send six copies and a completed applicaiton form to the MLA Prize for Independent Scholars, Modern Language Association, 10 Astor Place, New York, NY 10003-6961. Publishers may enter more than one title, but no book may compete for more than one MLA prize. For further information, or to obtain copies of the application form, write or call the Modern Language Association: 212-614-6324;
2005 Fellowship and Grant Competitions Announced by the American Council of Learned Societies.
Information on ACLS fellowship and grant competitions is now available.